Sports Co-ordinator
Our Sports Co-ordinator is Julie Crawford email:
Dear Parents & Caregivers
We have great difficulty with arranging sports teams. We try to be consistent and fair to all concerned.
Please consider these points prior to enrolling your child.
Forms must be returned by the due date to form even teams and to know that we have sufficient
team members, Coaches and Managers.
All fees need to be paid prior to children playing the first game.
If you are going to be away for a prolonged period please let the coach know and the sports coordinator so that information can be emailed to you. Only the Sports Coordinator can add or delete members from teams. Please organise and change with Julie our Sports Coordinator.
Registering a child is a commitment for the whole season. The student numbers often determine the cost, viability of a team and balance of a team’s composition.
Students need to turn up for practices and games. If they cannot then please let the coach know. (we know absences and illnesses are absences and illnesses are inevitable)
By not turning up lets the whole team down.
Please help us by considering these points and making your child’s sporting choice a positive experience
for all, the participants, the coach and the organising bodies.
Kind regards
Andrew Smith