Donations & Accounts
School Activity Fee
The General Activity fee has been set at $90.00 and covers activities that have a direct cost to us to provide an activity or service.
- Buses to events
- Entry fees
- Visiting performers
- Attending concerts
- Paying for or subsidising external expert facilities
School Donation
The Board of Trustees requests a donation for each full-time pupil. This donation enables the school to fund additional activities that extend and enrich our students’ experiences at school.
- Subsidising human resources (Librarian, ICT Technician, Teacher Aide support in classes)
- Enhanced classroom supplies i.e. (Superior art supplies, Cartridge paper versus Newsprint, Pastels versus Crayons)
- Classroom Technology (Computers, Interactive Boards, Coding Devices)
This year the donation has been set at $140.00. A request for the school donation will be mailed to you.
For any third or subsequent child the amount will be 50% of the school donation ($70.00). The school activity fee will be the same for each family member.
It is realised that at times it may be difficult for people to meet all payments. The school is happy to accept contributions of school donation and payment of school accounts by instalments or monthly direct credit. Just contact the office to make the necessary arrangements (03) 2184-228. Payments can be made to the school office by cash, Eftpos and internet banking.
Our bank details are: Westpac 03-1746-0056515-00
Please include your child's name and payment details eg: (fees, netball, touch, reading log etc). If your online payment is for multiple items please send a detailed email outlining what the payments are for to;
Donations are used for the benefit and learning of the students attending Waihopai School within the year of payment.
Rebate on School Donations
You can apply for a tax rebate from the Inland Revenue Department for your voluntary school donations.
For more information: