Health & Safety
Accidents and First Aid
From time to time children, unfortunately, sustain injuries in the course of their play. Minor injuries are treated in the sick bay and the child usually returns to class when it is certain there are no ill effects. When it is felt advisable, parents are contacted and requested to collect the child. This would be in the case of more serious injuries when perhaps a visit to a medical centre may be advised or when the child is obviously unwell through sickness and should be at home. The school's policy is to contact parents and advise them of any injuries sustained unless they are of a minor nature.
Medication is not given unless requested in writing by the parents. (Parents must supply any medication given.) Panadol is available at school, but parent approval must be gained before this is dispensed.
Please advise the school if your child has any serious allergic reactions.
Signing In & Signing Out
It is important that we know where your child is. If they are late coming to school they need to check in at the office. If they are checking out of school this needs to be done by an adult on the electronic attendance tablet on the reception desk. We need to know where your child is at all times for their health and safety protection. This is a responsibility we take very seriously.
Access to Period Products
You would have recently seen in the news that the Ministry of Education and the Government have rolled out a new initiative which gives students access to free period products in school. Waihopai School now have these products available for all students to collect as and when required from the Office or their class teacher.
Included is the Ministry information sheet about this new initiative for you to read and discuss with your child at home.
School Traffic Patrols
The Herbert Street crossing is controlled by a road patrol before and after school. This patrol is supervised before school by a staff member.
Children using the Herbert Street crossing are asked to cross between 8.35am and 8.50am. This practice is helpful for the supervision of the crossing.
Leaving School Grounds:
Children are NOT permitted to leave the school grounds during school hours.
Bringing Belongings to School:
Children, for a variety of reasons, often want to bring belongings to school. No responsibility can be taken for items such as toys, radios, and other valuables being brought to school.
Chickenpox (varicella) is a very contagious (catching) disease. It causes small itchy blisters on your skin. Click HERE for more information.
Children’s Hair -
If your child has long hair please ensure it is tied back with appropriate hair ties or ribbons in school colours, to blend with their uniform of blue and gold.
Click image to view MOH Head Lice information on treatment and prevention.