Reporting to Parents


A Meet the Teacher evening is held early in Term One. 

Goal Setting

We invite parents, child and teacher to have a three way interview about setting children’s learning, social and behavioural goals in term one.  Children’s goals are monitored and a formal goal setting review is completed at the end of Term Two.

Written Reports

Children will receive a written report at mid and end of the year.

Interviews With Staff:

There are many occasions when parents wish to approach staff members for information about a child's progress or school activities.  Please phone the office, or contact staff directly and arrange an appointment to ensure the person is available.

Staff members welcome any enquiries and appreciate parents' concern and help around the school.  Please feel free to approach the school at any time over any matter.  

Parent Involvement:

Staff welcomes the involvement of parents in class and school activities.  If you would like to be a parent helper, please discuss with your child’s teacher.


At Waihopai School homework is seen as an important link between home and school, the parents and the teachers.  Homework helps parents to be aware of what their children are doing at school and how they are progressing.

Homework also provides useful practise and reinforcement for skills the children have learnt.

Homework is designed to reflect closely what children have been studying in class.  However homework is not to become a burden or chore that just has to be done; or something that becomes a nightly confrontation between children and parents.  If either of these problems should arise please contact your child’s teacher so alternatives can be devised.


“The Waihopai Way” is included in the school prospectus that outlines the discipline and rewards system that operates both in class and in the school playground.

Our aim is for the greatest consistency in handling both discipline and rewards with our mission to be as transparent as possible.  We will involve parents with any ongoing concerns as early as possible in an effort to work as a team.